CfP: Their Past, Their Memory? King’s College, London, 15 Sept, 2017

King’s College London, 15 September 2017

A one-day interdisciplinary workshop hosted at King’s College, London as part of the AHRC-funded Teaching and Learning War Research Network to explore young people’s engagement with and receptivity to the cultural memory messages of the two world wars from an international comparative perspective. We welcome abstract submissions from academic researchers and educational practitioners in schools, museums, non-profit organisations, archives and heritage organisations.

The event will be structured around short presentations of no more than 15 minutes ensuring maximum time for group discussion.

General queries and abstracts of no more than 200 words should be sent to Catriona Pennell ( by 9 June 2017. Please include your name, organisation/institution and contact email in the abstract.

While the workshop is free to attend for all, the AHRC is also providing fifteen travel bursaries of up to £100pp for those travelling from outside the Greater London area – please indicate on your abstract/in your email whether you would like to be considered for the bursary. Priority will be given to PGRs, ECRs, and representatives of non-academic institutions/organisations.

Download call for papers: Their Past, Their Memory_CfP

CfP: World War 100: A Centennial Symposium

The Wisconsin World War I Centennial Commission is pleased to announce a call for papers for a two-day international conference, World War 100: A Centennial Symposium. Marking the centenary of the entry of the United States into the war, this conference brings together scholars from myriad fields to examine the legacies of the war in its global, imperial, national, and local dimensions. We invite proposals on a broad range of topics on the cultural, social, and political dimensions of the conflict and from a variety of disciplinary and professional perspectives. We particularly encourage papers that are interpretive in nature and that engage the numerous ways in which the war has continued to inform global and local experiences in the past century. Special programming will be dedicated to the war’s effects on Wisconsin and Wisconsin’s contributions to the war.

The conference will take place on the weekend of October 27-28, 2017, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Featured speakers include Bruno Cabanes (Ohio State University), Holly Case (Brown University), Jennifer Keene (Chapman University), and Michael Neiberg (Army War College). Limited travel support, particularly for graduate students, may become available at a later date.

No later than May 1st, please send a title, a brief description of the paper (up to 250 words), and a two-page vitae to: Panel and roundtable proposals should include an additional rationale for the panel as a whole.

For further information about registration, hotel information, and submission of papers please go to

For other questions, contact with the header line “WW100 information request”

CfP: First World War in the Indian Context: International Seminar

January/ February 2018

The St Aloysius College (Mangalore, Karnataka, India) plans to organize a two-day international seminar on the theme The First World War in the Indian Context and invites scholars in Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and in related fields to participate.

The Theme and the Context
It is 100 years since the First World War took place. As all of us know, though the Great War was the result of complex political developments of Europe, it had large influence on Indian society, economy and political life. It was mainly due to the fact that India was a colony of the British. The British too wanted the cooperation of Indians. Mahatma Gandhi who had returned to India after his African sojourn during the war had encouraged Indians to join the British forces. Indians had immensely contributed to the British war efforts in the form of men and ammunitions as well as financial resources.

Important information
Those intending to present papers can contact the Chief Coordinator at the earliest opportunity. They can also send their papers before 30th November 2017 (along with an abstract). The details are given below. International and invited scholars will be offered an honorarium. A detailed brochure with sub-themes would be sent to those who are participating and presenting the papers.

The exact date of the seminar, travel and accommodation details will be intimated well in advance. It will be our pleasure to welcome you at St Aloysius College (Autonomous) campus at Mangalore in January/ February 2018.

For further details kindly contact:
Chief Coordinator: Dr Vishanz Pinto, Dean, Faculty of Arts, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore-575003, Karnataka, India
Phone: + 91 9480289560
Asst. Coordinator: Dr Denis Fernandes, IQAC Coordinator, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore-575003, Karnataka, India.

Further information here.

CfP: Why Remember? Memory and Forgetting in Times of War and Its Aftermath

3-Day Conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia, June 30th, July 1st, July 2nd 2017

Sponsored by PARC University of the Arts, London; Salem State University,
Massachusetts, USA; WARM Festival, Sarajevo, Bosnia

Keynote Speakers include:
Simon Norfolk, photographer, and Vladimir Miladinović, artist.

In his book In Praise of Forgetting: Historical Memory and Its Ironies, David Rieff offers a persuasive challenge as to whether the age-long “consensus that it is moral to remember, immoral to forget” still stands in our contemporary era. What should we remember, what should we forget, and why? Do we need to reconfigure the way that we think about memory and its potential impact on issues such as reconciliation and healing in the wake of war? Is memory impotent as a social, political, or aesthetic tool? Rieff’s questions appear more pertinent than ever as wars and conflicts continue to rage in many parts of the world with no end in sight.

These questions of memory (and forgetting) are intensely political and have far-reaching consequences. This conference will engage with difficult and troubling questions around the value and nature of memory such as how do they reverberate in the context of postwar societies, post-conflict reconciliation, prevention, questions of memory and past events? Does memory discourse help us push the borders of how the concept of memory is currently being configured and applied? To what extent do we remember the past and how do we choose what to remember and why we remember? How could and should (consciously and unconsciously) memory processes shape the present and future? How might public institutions (such as museums and other heritage sites that support education/awareness) deal with the past? What is the difference between commemoration and memorialization? Where do they intersect and how might they impact the process of reconciliation and prevention? How can art function as a site of the aesthetic interpretation of the past?

We seek papers from a wide-range of historical and geographical spaces that address the discursive limits of contemporary memory studies, particularly drawing on these areas of study:

• Film/media studies
• Museum studies/objects/ New Materialism
• Visual arts
• Literature/Narrative
• Music/Performance
• Necropolitics/Forensics/Anthropology
• Politics and aesthetics
**Interdisciplinary approaches to memory and remembrance studies are welcome.

There will be two styles of presentations: more formal papers of 20-25 minutes and workshop idea papers of 10-15 minutes. We welcome submissions from artists, early career researchers and post-docs as well as established scholars. We encourage applications from a range of academics, current PhD students, especially those outside of Western European institutions. All papers will be delivered in English.

Paper proposals should include:
• author name(s), affiliation(s) and contact email,
• paper title,
• a paper abstract (200 words max),
• and short bio (200 words max).

Please clearly indicate whether you are submitting formal paper or a workshop idea paper.

This academic conference is linked to the Art and Reconciliation AHRC funded research project currently being undertaken by The University of the Arts London, King’s College War studies Department, and the LSE. The research is under the auspices of the PACCS Conflict Programme.

It is also part of the larger WARM festival, which takes place in Sarajevo, Bosnia each summer, and “is dedicated to war reporting, war art, war memory. WARM is bringing together people – journalists, artists, historians, researchers, activists – with a common passion for ‘telling the story with excellence and integrity’.” See this link for more information:

Registration cost: 150 Euros.

Concessionary rates are available for faculty applying from non-EU, non-US institutions, and for those who can present a case for reduced fees. Information about hostels and hotels will be provided for participants.

Please submit your proposals no later than March 17th, 2017 to

Decisions will be made by March 31st, 2017.

The conference is supported by the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Salem State University, Massachusetts, and the Photography and the Archive Research Centre (PARC) at the University of the Arts London.

Contact Info: (e-mails get delivered to Stephanie Young and Paul Lowe, the organisers).
Further information:


CfP: Scotland and the First World War

SCOTIA: INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH STUDIES is a scholarly journal devoted to all aspects of Scottish history and culture. Published annually by Old Dominion University since 1972, it features articles, review essays, book reviews and a list of recent publications on a wide range of topics relating to Scotland. SCOTIA is affiliated with The North American Organization of Scottish Historians.

SCOTIA (vol. 38, 2016) is now available. It contains articles dealing with a single topic: “Nation Building in the Borderlands: Anglo-Scottish Relations on the Frontier, 1558-1603.”

SCOTIA is available for an annual subscription of $10.00.

SCOTIA will mark centenary of the First World War with a series of articles on Scotland’s role in this conflict. Contributions are sought from military, diplomatic and social historians, literary scholars and art historians on all aspects of Scotland and World War 1. We invite submissions of between 10 and 15,000 words.

For more information, contact the editor:

William S. Rodner, FSA Scot.
Editor, Scotia. Interdisciplinary Journal of Scottish Studies
Department of History
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
Contact email:

CfP: The Great War and the Azores: from naval strategy to trench warfare

Organisation: Institute of Contemporary History FCSH/NOVA; University of the Azores
Venue: Azores Military Museum, Ponta Delgada (Azores Islands)
Dates: 13 to 16 July 2017
Deadline for proposals: 1 April 2017

The Atlantic Ocean connects the western civilization in its banks, having in its center the archipelago of the Azores. Intensely contested since the discoveries, with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, with the mechanical propulsion and the economic and political rise of the USA, this ocean would know a commercial increase, based on a powerful market economy and a strong power of the financial capital, reinforcing even more its paper as a way of supplying the colonial raw materials, to the metropolises. The presence of powerful marines of war as merchants, with a modern naval industry of great capacity of production, becomes more and more its background scene, namely during World War I. By this view, the role of the Atlantic during the Great War would include the importance of maritime commerce and the need to protect commercial traffic from a Europe at war, taking the consequences of disturbing the enemy, as well as the use of a network of submarine cables with branches all over the world. The entry of the United States in World War I marked the end of the world’s hegemony by the European continent, which lasted three centuries, changing the symmetries in the center of the Atlantic.

The organizing committee calls for proposals that address, but are not limited to, the following themes:

– The maritime and terrestrial dimension of the Azores, in World War I;
– Naval and submarine warfare;
– The Atlantic and the communications during the Great War;
– Maritime connections in the Trench Wars, or in the colonies;
– The internal front: the impact of World War I in the Azores;
– War and Memory;
– Museology and Military heritage.

Submission process: Please send your identification (name, institutional affiliation and mail address), Paper title, Abstract (maximum 700 words), and academic CV (1 page) via mail to:

Working languages: English, Portuguese (no simultaneous interpretation is available).

Further information here.
Download call for papers: 2017-07-13_Great-War-Azores_EN

CfP: In-Between Empires: Trans-imperial History in a Global Age

Venue: Freie Universität Berlin, September 15-16, 2017

Organizers: Daniel Hedinger (LMU Munich), Nadin Heé (FU Berlin and Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) and Satoshi Mizutani (Doshisha University)

By focusing on spaces “in-between” empires – their connectivity, cooperation, and competition – this workshop aims at establishing a trans-imperial approach to the history of empires.

Many studies have focussed on entanglements between colonies and metropoles, but much less is known about trans-imperial dimensions of the game. On an empirical basis, inter-imperial perspectives, which compare several empires or consider competition between them, have become more important lately. Yet, such studies are scattered and this kind of research remains in its infancy. We still lack an overarching theoretical-methodological framework with which to address the spaces in-between empires. In other words: whereas national history has been transnationalized in the past decades, the same does not hold true for the history of empires. Thus, we would like to address the current state of research and at the same time ask how a future trans-imperial history could look.

The workshop, to be held in Berlin in September 2017, will bring together an international group of scholars who have focused on one or more imperial dimensions of one of the following empires: British, French, Russian, Austria-Hungary, Japanese, German, Italian, Spanish, Ottoman, Chinese, as well as the US-American empire. Their contributions should discuss how transcending perspectives can change the perception of the empires they are specialized in, but also discuss possibilities and limits of a trans-imperial approach for the historiography per se. The focus will be on the years between 1850 and 1945.

Please note that we conceive of the Berlin workshop in September to be a ‘publication workshop’ – a workshop with relatively few but high-profile experts that enables not only in-depth discussion, but that will also result in a publication. More precisely, we intend to publish contributions based on papers (6000-7000 words) presented at the workshop in an edited volume in near future.

Travel and accommodation expenses of all participants will be paid by the organizers.

Please submit abstracts (250-300 words) by March 15 by emailing the organizers:
Daniel Hedinger
Nadin Heé
Satoshi Mizutani

Further information here.