Remembering World War I: A Research and Learning Collection

A range of resources relating to the First World War are available from Taylor and Francis Online. Please see here for links to interviews, articles and books.

Call for proposals: Taking the Past Into the Future

How do you think historians can achieve greater impact? Do you think Open Access policies work as well as they could? Can communications technology open up new forums of debate and collaboration in academia? If you could improve one thing in the historical profession today – what would it be, and how would you do it?

Taking the Past Into the Future is intended to provide postgraduate researchers with the opportunity to proactively engage with the issues that will shape the academic careers of the future. Participants will be encouraged to experiment with radical ideas that are usually left unvoiced, before considering how positive change may be effected within real-world limitations.

Proposals should be no longer than 500 words and should answer the following questions:

What is your proposed idea or innovation?
What does it seek to improve (e.g: levels of engagement with history, career progression issues for young researchers, quality of collaboration between different groups of historians)?
In an ideal world, how would this innovation be implemented?
How might the idea need to be adapted to work in the real world?

There will be a registration fee of £20, with generous sponsorship allowing a considerable subsidy, with accommodation for three nights and food provided. The unconference will take place from 4th-7th August 2015 and will be held in Hayston House, a Georgian farmhouse near St Andrews, and will be self-catered, with participants cooking together to allow further time for informal conversation and community-building.

The deadline for proposals is Friday 29th March. Please send proposals, and any questions, to:

Conference: Breaking Empires, Making Nations? The First World War and the Reforging of Europe

The Chair of European Civilization at the College of Europe has the pleasure to invite you to an international conference

Breaking Empires, Making Nations? The First World War and the Reforging of Europe

From 14.00 on Tuesday 7 April until 18.30 on Wednesday 8 April 2015 at the Natolin campus of the College of Europe, ul. Nowoursynowska 84, 02-797 Warszawa.

Keynote lecture by Professor Sir Hew Strachan (Oxford): The Ideas of 1914.


Further information: Invitation to WW1 conference
Conference programme: Programme Natolin WW1 conference latest

CFP: Resistance to War 1914-1924

Resistance to War 1914-1924
Leeds, United Kingdom, 18-20th March 2016

Ingrid Sharp and colleagues are planning a major international conference for March 18th-20th 2016 to consider and debate the various forms and expressions of resistance to the First World War within and across national contexts. It will coincide with the introduction of conscription in Britain, but will explore national, international and transnational aspects of resistance to the First World War.

Confirmed speakers so far include Cyril Pearce, Lois Bibbings and Julian Putkowski on Conscientious Objectors, Benjamin Ziemann on forms of German resistance to war and June Hannam on the Leeds-born peace activist Isabella Ford.

There will be panels on:

* the cultural representations of pacifism and the mobilization of art and literature to oppose the war;
* memory and commemoration of anti-war activism, including during the centenary;
* Classicists’ resistance to war;
* links and continuities with present-day organisations such as the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom;
* groups and individuals committed to the international reconciliation of former enemies;
* the global dimensions of war resistance;
* ideological, feminist, political and religious motivations for opposing the war;
* the costs of war in terms of human suffering and trauma;
* Conscientious Objection and its international legacies
* pacifism in the inter-war period.

Offers of individual papers, panels or round tables are welcome. Please send these (500 words and 1 page cv) to:

We will be working with Leeds City Museums and Galleries to provide a forum for public debate and exchange of ideas and knowledge and welcome local history groups who are researching COs and other war resisters in their own areas.

Deadline for abstracts: March 20th 2015

The Conference is supported by Legacies of War, Leeds and the Gateways to the First World War, Kent

CFP: ‘European “domestic fronts”: the home front at war (1914-1920)’

Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
19-20 November 2015

This conference, which will form the basis of a publication, intends to be
resolutely interdisciplinary, comparative and open to the wider European
dimension. The call for papers is addressed to both confirmed researchers
and PhD students. The working languages will be French and English.

Proposals (2500 characters max., accompanied by a short CV including
publications) should be sent by 4 May 2015 to:

Further information: CFP Fronts-intérieurs-Pau

Vacancy: Research Fellow in European History, Trinity College Dublin

Vacancy for a post-doc position for 2015-2016
Fixed Term Contract; 12 months

Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland

Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship to work on a Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) funded research project entitled ‘Making War, Mapping Europe: Militarized Cultural Encounters, 1792-1920’. The post is available for a fixed term of one year from 30 June 2015.

This Research Fellow will be based at the Centre for War Studies in the Department of History, Trinity College Dublin. Working with Professor John Horne and Dr. Joseph Clarke, the Fellow will undertake research on the British military occupation of Jerusalem and Palestine from 1917 to the early 1920s. The Fellow will be expected to travel for research purposes and to contribute to the project by disseminating his/her research findings through participation in project workshops and international conferences and through publication. The successful candidate will also participate in the project’s regular international meetings and play a key role in organizing the final project conference in June 2016, which will be held in Trinity College Dublin. The fellow will benefit from career mentoring and will have considerable opportunity to develop his/her international publishing profile during the appointment period.

Closing date: 5pm on Sunday 15th March 2015

Further information: TCD CWS postd-doc

Play on WW1 Oxford – While They’re Away: The story of a city at war

While They’re Away: The story of a city at war
The Old Museum, Oxford

7.30pm on 12 and 13 March
2.30pm matinee and 7.30pm on 14 March
£5/£4 concessions

A compelling new play drawn from authentic accounts of life at the home front in First World War Oxford. This original production brings to light the city’s role in the ‘War to end all wars’ and the parallel stories of the local people whose lives it changed forever. Playwright, Jeremy Allen has worked with members of the local community and delved into local archives to uncover the WW1 experiences of a varied cast of characters from Oxford’s past: including Siegfried Sassoon and Lady Ottoline Morrell, as well as many whose stories have yet to be told. City landmarks and buildings take on new meaning as their war-time role is revealed. The drama is performed in the Old Museum at Oxford Town Hall, the site of one of Oxford’s WW1 military hospitals.

An UnderConstruction Theatre production in partnership with the Museum of Oxford. Created as part of the Lost Voices of Oxford’s Great War, a community project to uncover the city’s untold First World War stories. Generously funded by the Heritage Lottery.

Age guideline: 12+

There will also be 2 schools performances with an accompanying workshop on Thursday 12 March & Friday 13 March, 10am-1pm (including break time). For more information or to book your class on a workshop please e-mail:

Ticket office: 01865 305305
Or buy online at:
Or in person at the Oxford Playhouse Box Office

While They're Away Play Flyer