Open Lecture: Parliament and the First World War

On Wednesday 21 January 2015, Professor Lord Kenneth Morgan will deliver an Open Lecture on Parliament and the First World War.

As part of Parliament’s commemoration of 100 years since World War One, Lord Morgan will explore aspects of the Houses of Parliament during wartime, Parliament’s role in the war itself, Lloyd George’s coalition government, wartime legislation (including the role of women) and the threat to civil liberties.

There will be an opportunity for questions after the lecture.

For more information, see here. To register, follow this link.

Talks on First World War disability research

Dr Kate Macdonald, Department of Literature: English Studies, Ghent University and Sassoon Visiting Research Fellow, will giving the following talks in Oxford:

Tuesday 2 December, 17.15, History of the Book Room, English Faculty:
‘The missing bodies of the First World War’

Wednesday 3 December, 13.00, Lecture Theatre, Weston library:
‘Ephemeral disabilities and the depiction of the impaired body during
the First World War’

Further information: Kate MACDONALD lecture 3 Dec 2014

German-British Conference: Movements for Peace in 1914

Centre for Baptist History and Heritage, Oxford with the Baptist Historical Society
A German-British Conference Commemorating the Founding in 1914 of the World Alliance for Promoting Friendship through the Churches
Saturday 6 December 2014 at Regent’s Park College, Pusey Street, Oxford OX1 2LB, 10am – 4.30pm
Conference attendance costs £10, payable on the day. Please register by emailing to secure your place.

Further information: CBHH_Peace Movements in 1914_Programme.

Somerville College Great War Roadshow, 15 November 2014

Somerville College are holding a Great War Roadshow on Saturday 15 November 2014, from 10am-2pm, in the Flora Anderson Hall.

You can find further information here and a poster here: Publicity PosterA5

They are still looking for volunteers to help out with the day. If you can spare a few hours, please contact:
Dr Anne Manuel, College Librarian and Archivist

POMP/ESC World War I Film Seminar Series

“The End of St Petersburg”
(Soviet Union, 1927) by Vsevolod Pudovkin

Introduced by David Priestland (Faculty of History, St Edmund Hall, Oxford)

Convenor: Mikolaj Kunicki (Faculty of History, St Antony’s College, Oxford)

Thursday 13th November, 5 pm.

Seminar Room, European Studies Centre, St Antony’s College, 70 Woodstock Road, Oxford

Regent’s Park College: Free First World War Exhibition and Talks

The Angus Library and Archive currently has an exhibition, For Liberty against Tyranny, to commemorate the centenary of the First World War.

The exhibition looks at the events of the First World War and how these affected the thoughts and actions of non-conformists. Featured will be never before seen items such as correspondence from Prime Minister David Lloyd George, emergency passports issued at the outbreak of war and photographs from international war fronts.

Two talks will accompany the exhibition:

Monday 10th November 6.30pm – ‘Global Religions and a Global War’ with Dr Adrian Gregory
Tuesday 11th November 6.30pm – ‘War, Peace and the Nonconformist Conscience’ with Professor Keith Robbins

Booking essential.

Dancing in the Shadow of the First World War

Dancing in the Shadow of the First World War
10:30am – 5pm, Saturday 29 November 2014
London College of Fashion

The Society for Dance Research is holding a one day symposium that explores dance during the First World War. Its impact on the political, social and economic histories of the Twentieth Century has often been explored but what was its significance for dance? This exciting day will open dialogues on a particularly under-researched area in dance history and provide new insights into dance’s complex relationship with events and values of the World War One era.

The symposium will feature a keynote speech by Theresa Buckland, Professor of Dance History and Ethnography, University of Roehampton on the topic of ‘Popular Dancing Around the First World War’. This will be followed by papers by Ramsay Burt, Charlotte Ewart, Nicole Haitzinger, Michael Huxley, Carole Kew, Dana Mills, Larraine Nicholas, Jane Pritchard, and Marianne Schultz on topics that will include: the patriotic dance programming in London during the war; the war’s influence on artists such as Isadora Duncan, Wassily Kandinsky, Léonide Massine and Pablo Picasso; and the influences and preoccupations of social dance forms.

Society for Dance Research members: Free
Waged: £25
Unwaged: £15

For more information and how to register please visit:

Venue: RHS West JPS133 (Room), London College of Fashion, John Prince’s Street, London W1G 0BJ
Registration and sale of tickets for this event will close on Monday 24 November.