SOFO: ‘Oxfordshire Remembers’ Exhibition Opening Reception, 18 November

The Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum (SOFO)’s latest exhibition Oxfordshire Remembers 1914-1918: Part II. Stories from the Closing Years of the Great War opens with a reception on Saturday 18 November 2017 at 16.30.

There will be an opening address by the Duke of Marlborough and music by The Waterloo Band.

Please RSVP by 31 October.

Commemorative event: 100th anniversary of the ordination of Constance Coltman, 21 October, Oxford

Constance Coltman: Pioneer of Women in Christian Ministry; A centenary celebration

Saturday 21 October 2017, 10.30-19.30
Mansfield and Somerville Colleges, Oxford

This special event celebrates the life of Constance Coltman, the first English woman to be ordained as a minister. On 17 September 1917, Constance Todd, together with her fiancé Claud Coltman, was ordained to the Congregational Ministry in London. The following day they married. Constance studied history for her undergraduate degree at Somerville College and theology at Mansfield College. Her ministries included Cowley Road, Oxford from 1924-1932. She was a committed pacifist and suffragist, and promoted women’s ordination.

Provisional timetable for the day:

10.30 – 16.30: Mansfield College, Lecture Theatre
10.30-11.00: coffee
11.00-11.10: introduction
11.10-12.00: talk – Revd. Dr Kirsty Thorpe, Wilmslow United Reformed Church
12.00-12.30: talk – Dr Matthew Grimley, Merton College, Oxford
12.30-13.45: lunch (Mansfield Café)
13.45-14.15: talk – Professor Jane Garnett, Wadham College, Oxford
14.15-14.45: talk – Dr Adrian Gregory, Pembroke College, Oxford
14.45-15.15: talk – Revd. Kate Harford, Ecumenical Chaplain, Oxford Brookes University
15.15-15.45: tea
15.45-16.30: Film showing: Constance, followed by discussion

From 17.30: Somerville College, Chapel and Brittain Williams Room
17.30-18.15: ecumenical service of celebration with music, led by Revd. Mia Smith of Hertford College, Oxford – Somerville College Chapel
18.30-19.30: drinks reception – Brittain Williams Room

Please register here:

Download poster: Constance Coltman poster illustrated

Searchable map of Oxford University:

Conference: Nerves and War. Psychological Experiences of Mobilization and Suffering in Germany, 1900-1933

12-13 October 2017, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
Organized by Gundula Gahlen, Björn Hofmeister, Christoph Nübel and Deniza Petrova

´Nerves´ enjoyed a central place in German debates about war at the beginning of the 20th Century. Politicians, scientists, the public, and the military discussed the extent to which a future war would strain the nerves of German society. Concepts of ´strength of nerves´ as well as of ´weakness of nerves´ were increasingly used as combat terms during the First World War. The massive scale of experiences of psychological injuries and suffering only added to this phenomenon. The social and political administration of the medical treatment of psychological war disabilities presided over post-war discourses of managing the consequences of war. Simultaneously, a new spiritual mobilization for war followed in the Weimar Republic, which, after 1933, ´synchronized´ almost all aspects of social life in the Third Reich.

Current scholarship has devoted substantial historical research to the treatment and accommodation of psychological war-disabled veterans. This conference focuses on contemporary discourses on nerves in politics, society, science, and the military and aspires to elaborate the interaction as well as their practical consequences of these discourses for the period of 1900 and 1933. At this conference nerves are understood as a code and a construct that are central in negotiating identity. Both, contemporary discourses on nerves as well as individual and collective experiences of psychological mobilization and suffering will be presented and analyzed. The focus of the conference papers is on Germany, but in a wider European context.

Venue: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23-25, 14195 Berlin, Room: 2.2059

Please register/contact us by October 5, 2017 at:

For further information please visit the conference website:

Event: Women and the army: 100 years of progress? National Army Museum, 24 June 2017

National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London, SW3 4HT
24 June 2017, 9.40am – 5.00pm

It’s 100 years since women were first allowed to perform roles within the British Army other than nursing. In light of this, we’re holding a conference to examine the evolution of women’s service in the military.

2017 is the ideal time for examining women’s involvement in the British military. It’s the 100th anniversary of women being able to enlist into non-nursing branches of the army. It’s also the 25th anniversary of the disbandment of the Women’s Royal Army Corps, which resulted in female soldiers being absorbed into the army as a whole. And just last year, women became eligible to serve in combat roles for the first time.

To mark these important milestones, the National Army Museum is holding a conference to review decades of debate around the role of women in the military, and to consider the roles they might perform in the future.

The conference will cover all aspects of women’s military service from 1917 to the present day, whether historical, operational, political, sociological or philosophical.

Conference programme here.
Further information and to book, see here.

Admission: £25.00
Concessions for students: £18.75
Ticket price includes lunch, tea and coffee. Any dietary requirements should be emailed to

Study day: T E Lawrence, the British Armed Forces & the First World War in the Middle East

The Oxford Changing Character of War Programme & the Society for Army Historical Research
10 July, 1pm – 5.30pm – Pembroke College, Oxford

Speakers include: Dr John Peaty, Dr Neil Faulkner, Gp Capt John Alexander, Maj Dr Paul Knight and CCW Director, Dr Rob Johnson.

The event is open to all, but registration is required:
There will be a small fee for non-students, but students will be able to attend free of charge. Please note that lunch is not provided, although there will be some light refreshment.

Further information here.

Event: The First World War and the Americas: from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego

The National Archives is hosting a conference on the Americas, which will address the impact of the conflict across the length and breadth of the two continents.

Speakers will discuss the conflict experiences of those living far from the battlefield, including war enthusiasm, loss and the longer term impact on memory and national identity. They will also consider some of the other ways in which the conflict affected the Americas, notably through trade and economic development. In doing so the event will explore some of the war’s untold stories far away from the Western Front and highlight why it was a truly global conflict.

Sat 1 July 2017, 09:30 – 17:00
The National Archives
Bessant Drive

9:30 Registration, tea and coffee

9:45 Introduction

10:00 Keynote lecture
Prof Ian Beckett, University of Kent
‘1917: Year of Decision’

11:00 Break

11:15 Session 1: ‘Associated Powers’
Dr Sam Edwards, Manchester Metropolitan University
‘The Great War and the Great Republic: the American Experience of the First World War’

Dr Rory Miller, University of Liverpool
‘War, Business and Uncertainty in South America: A Bumpy Ride on the Periphery’

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Session 2: ‘Empire’
Dr Bonnie J. White, Memorial University of Newfoundland
‘‘Sorrow, Gratitude, and Pride’: Newfoundland’s Cultural Memory of the Great War’

Dr Kent Fedorowich, UWE Bristol
‘‘The True North Strong and Free’? Canada’s War at Home, 1914-1919’

Dr Richard Smith, Goldsmiths, University of London
‘‘That our national and allied hopes be speedily realized’: West Indian war experiences and aspirations during 1917′

15:00 Break

15:30 Round Table

16:00 Wine Reception

Cost: £24-£30. Purchase tickets here.

Event: War, Health, and Humanitarianism, 16 June 2017, Weston Library, Oxford

16th June 2017, 11am-5.30pm
Lecture Theatre, Weston Library, Oxford OX1 3BG

‘War, Health and Humanitarianism’ brings together historians studying conflicts from the medieval period to the modern world in order to discuss the potential impact of historical research on present day policy.
Convened by Dr Rosemary Wall (University of Hull, and Sassoon Visiting Fellow at the Bodleian Libraries)

Programme: War-Health-and-Humanitarianism_Programme

Free event but limited places so registration is essential

With thanks for support from the Society for the Social History of Medicine, All Souls College and the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford