The New England Quarterly is entertaining submissions for a special issue commemorating the centennial of the First World War and analyzing New England’s participation in the war. Successful submissions will be consistent with The Quarterly‘s traditional editorial policy of reflecting all aspects of the history of New England’s life and letters as they reflect an organic part of the United States and the world. The editors are especially interested in topics that address hitherto unrepresented groups, deepen our understanding of connections of the regional, national, and global consequences of the First World War, and that stimulate new fields of inquiry. Contributions addressing New Englanders’ military and homefront experiences are welcome, as are essays considering the war’s impact on New England.
Submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed.
Essays submitted for the commemorative issue cannot be considered after 1 January 2017.
Inquiries about the special issue may be addressed to the guest editor, Christopher Capozzola, at[CC2]
Please submit electronic copies in Word and pdf to; an additional hard copy should be submitted to:
The New England Quarterly
c/o Jonathan M. Chu
Department of History
University of Massachusetts, Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.