Talk on French Literature and WWI at University of Leeds: Wednesday 18 February

‘What is a Crisis of Language? French Literature and the Great War.’
University of Leeds.

Wednesday 18 February, 5pm: Philippe Roussin (Visiting Professor in French Studies, Wadham College, Directeur de recherche CNRS / Maison Française d’Oxford)

Venue: Parkinson Building B.09

Event organised in conjunction with Legacies of War:
With the financial support of the French Embassy.

For more details:
Dr. Jim House
Research Leader for French
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
University of Leeds

Dancing to Remember the Great War, University of Wolverhampton

The second year Dance degree module, Choreolab, gives students the chance to explore the intersection of live dance performance and film. This year the creative stimulus for their explorations was the artistic, intellectual, and thematic preoccupations of the Great War era. The challenge for the students was both finding a response to this historical period that speaks to the depth and complexity of this time and making a contemporary piece of art that is relevant for today’s audience.
Please join us for an evening of stimulating original performance work.

The Performance Hub, University of Wolverhampton, Walsall Campus
Magdalene Rd
WS1 Walsall
United Kingdom

3pm Thursday 22 January – Invited Dress Rehearsal
7:30pm Thursday 22 January – Performance
7:30pm Friday 23 January – Performance

Tickets available at:
For further information please contact: Karen Wood or Victoria Thoms
Further particulars: publicity choreolab 2015

GLGW Graduate Conference – Call for Papers

Globalising and Localising the Great War Conference, 20 March 2015

Call for Papers:

Globalising and Localising the Great War is a project based at the University of Oxford which aims to bring together scholars who are working on the War from a variety of different perspectives. Its fundamental objective is to ensure that the commemoration of the War produces ground-breaking new research and fresh insights that challenge, rather than confirm, our often clichéd perspectives on an event that shaped – and continues to shape – our world. It is fundamentally interdisciplinary in its methodology and aims to encourage scholars from different fields and backgrounds to broaden their approaches to writing histories of the First World War.

Within this context we invite submissions on a broad range of topics and backgrounds with the aim of providing a conference that is similarly broad and interdisciplinary in its scope and content. All papers relevant to the First World War are welcomed, but we would encourage applications in particular which focus on the following approaches:

  • global/transnational
  • cultural
  • military
  • political/legal
  • social
  • economic

Papers should be designed to be approximately 20 minutes in length. We particularly invite submissions from postgraduate students and early career researchers.

To apply, please send a 200 word abstract with your approach in the subject line to by Friday 30th January 2015.

Conference poster: Globalising and Localising Poster CFP

Story of Vera Brittain, Shirley Williams’ mother, forms part of Somerville College war roadshow memorabilia

As a follow up to the Somerville College Great War Roadshow that took place on 15 November 2014 (see here for more information), here is a link to an article about the day in The Oxford Times.

Somerville College Great War Roadshow, 15 November 2014

Somerville College are holding a Great War Roadshow on Saturday 15 November 2014, from 10am-2pm, in the Flora Anderson Hall.

You can find further information here and a poster here: Publicity PosterA5

They are still looking for volunteers to help out with the day. If you can spare a few hours, please contact:
Dr Anne Manuel, College Librarian and Archivist


The WW1 Centenary website goes live on Monday 20 October! Have a look here and let us know if you have any information you want to add to the site.

Oxford WW1 website