CfP: Jewish Experiences during World War 1

The “Galitzianer”— Gesher Galicia’s quarterly research journal — plans to publish a series of articles related to Jewish experiences during World War I (WWI). We wish to thank all contributors who have responded to date.

This is the final call for additional submissions to be considered for publication later in the year.

The unifying theme is Galicia during WWI (1914-1918) and in the immediate period after the war. We invite members and non-members of Gesher Galicia to share their family stories, short scholarly reviews and other accounts of the war. Topics could include: Jewish military service; civilian life during the war; the experiences of refugees; deportations to Russia; and the military campaigns across Galicia.

Prior to submission, prospective authors are encouraged to contact Joshua Grayson at: <> with a brief description of their proposal. All considered articles will undergo editorial review and revisions to conform to the style of the journal.

For information regarding the “Galitzianer,” including general instructions for the authors, please see:

First World War Study Day: ‘Stories, Myths and Legends of the War’, 5 May 2018, Wolverhampton

The University of Wolverhampton, First World War Research Group, would like to invite you to a Study Day entitled ‘Stories, Myths and Legends of the War’ on 5th May 2018.

Please see here for the programme: First World War Research Group Study Day 5 May 2018 Programme
and the joining instructions for the Study Day: Joining Instructions for Study Day 5th May 2018 External

The cost of the Study Day is £20.00.

Details of registration and payment can be found in the programme. This can now be done online through the internet link, or alternatively you may contact Sue Holden via email to make arrangements to pay by cheque.

Please contact Sue Holden if you require any further advice or information.

CfP: The First World War in Italy and Beyond: History, Legacy and Memory (1918–2018)

30 November – 1 December 2018
Italian Institute of Culture, London

Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy

Download CfP: CFP – ASMI 2018

The conference will explore the history, legacy and memory of the First World War in Italy from 1918 to 2018. As the War was one of the formative experiences of the modern Italian nation, the aim is to place the conflict in a longer chronological perspective and to highlight its lasting impact from a range of viewpoints. Drawing on recent innovations in the historiography, the conference will shift focus away from the battlefields towards hitherto neglected areas of study, including the experience of civilians and everyday life, the transition from war to peace, and the post-war climate and reconstruction. It will shed light on how the memory of WWI shaped Italy’s national identity and served political ends during the Fascist period and after the Second World War. The intention is also to escape the confines of national historiography by placing Italy in comparative and transnational contexts. Thus, the centenary presents an opportunity to look with fresh eyes at the mark left by the War on the history, politics and society of Italy.

We welcome proposals from scholars working in a variety of disciplines including history, literature, film, politics, anthropology, art, economics, sociology and geography.

Panels might include, but are not limited to:
• The immediate aftermath of WW1 (1918–1922) and the rise of social conflict, political violence and Fascism
• The creation of the League of Nations and the emergence of pacifism, humanitarianism and internationalism
• The experience of veterans in the post-war period
• New historiographical approaches to the study of Italy and WW1
• Global, transnational and comparative perspectives
• Local, regional and national experiences
• Gender, both femininity and masculinity
• Family and societal ties
• Changes to ideas of nationhood, democracy, citizenship and community after WW1
• The legacy of WWI under Fascism
• Parallels between the aftermath of WW1 and the aftermath of WW2
• The material heritage of the War: monuments, memorials and cemeteries
• Italy’s commemorations of the centenary in national or transnational contexts

The organizers welcome proposals for individual papers and for panels composed of 3 speakers. They reserve the right to break up and re-structure proposed panels.

Confirmed keynote speakers:
Prof. Gunda Barth-Scalmani (University of Innsbruck)
Author of numerous works on Italian-Austrian relations and the experiences of women during WWI, including Ein Krieg – Zwei Schützengräben, Österreich – Italien und der Erste Weltkrieg in den Dolomiten 1915–1918 (Bozen 2005) and Militärische und zivile Kriegserfahrungen 1914–1918 (Innsbruck, 2010).

Dr. Marco Mondini (University of Padua/Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento)
Author of numerous bestselling books on Italy and WW1, including most recently Il Capo. La Grande Guerra del generale Luigi Cadorna (Il Mulino 2017) and La guerra italiana. Partire, raccontare, tornare 1914-18 (Il Mulino 2014). He is a frequent contributor to programmes on Rai Storia, e.g.

Please send an abstract of max. 250 words and a short biography to:
Abstracts can be both in English and in Italian.
The closing date for receipt of abstracts is 1 June 2018

Accepted speakers will be required to join ASMI, which includes subscription to the journal Modern Italy.

Organising Committee: Selena Daly (University College Dublin), Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti (University College London), Hannah Malone (Freie Universität Berlin), Martina Salvante (University of Warwick)

CfP: No End to the War: Cultures of Violence and Care in the aftermath of the First World War

Thursday 24-Friday 25 January, 2019, The University of Manchester

The Centre for the Cultural History of War, The University of Manchester
War, Conflict and Society Research Group, Manchester Metropolitan University
Legacies of War Project, University of Leeds

Confirmed Speakers:
Prof. John Horne (TCD, Emeritus)
Prof. Robert Gerwarth (UCD)
Prof. Alison Fell (Leeds)

Europe’s post-war transition of 1918/1919 has received new scholarly attention in light of the First World War centenary. There has been a recent attempt to contextualise this transition, and to understand how the period after 1918 witnessed both continuing traces of violence and a renewed focus on caregiving. Particularly relevant are the ways in which, across Europe, the war gave rise not only to paramilitary violence, civil unrest, and military occupation, but also new cultures of humanitarianism. This conference aims to act as an intellectual and public intervention in the discussions of 2018 and 2019, and engage with key issues in the cultural history of the transition from war to peace.

This conference seeks to stimulate dialogue between historians of post-war violence, occupation, caregiving and humanitarianism, and contribute to a new integrated history of the aftermath of the First World War. We invite papers on any nation or region, and particularly encourage comparative and transnational approaches.

Major topics of discussion will include:
• Paramilitaries and Paramilitary Violence
• Post-War Military Occupations and Transfers of Occupation
• Demobilisation and Demilitarisation
• Post-War Incarceration
• POW Returns
• Forced Displacement
• Humanitarianism
• Nursing and Medicine
• Cultural Representations of Violence and Care

Within these parameters, the conference seeks to range broadly over the interrelationship of violence and care in the aftermath of the First World War, but potential questions include:
• What new humanitarian cultures and practices did the ‘wars after the war’ provoke? What pre-war ideas and practices persisted?
• How instrumental were ex-servicemen in spreading cultures of care and violence after 1918?
• In what ways did post-war paramilitarism and humanitarianism intersect?
• How successfully were returning POWs cared for and rehabilitated?
• How violent were the Allied occupations of Germany and the Ottoman Empire after 1918?
• In what ways did the injured and disabled challenge social reintegration?
• The family as site of care and violence: what new challenges did families face after 1918?
• How significant was local activism in shaping transnational networks?
• What insights can we gain from examining the role of individuals as agents of humanitarianism?
• How did the creative arts and languages serve populations coming to terms with survival, loss and continued violence?
• How were images of human suffering mobilised by humanitarian activists?
• Which victims of war or agents of humanitarianism are remembered (and forgotten)? Why were some voices weakened or silenced?
• How have museums and practitioners in the field of cultural heritage curated and communicated the complexities of violence and care in the wake of war to public audiences?

Papers should be 20 minutes in length, and submissions from post-graduate and postdoctoral scholars are particularly encouraged. Please send a 300 word abstract and 1 page CV to by 18 May, 2018.

CfP: Histories of the Red Cross Movement since 1919

International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 17 Chemin des Crêts, 1209 Geneva, Switzerland
13/14 June 2019

The years following the end of the Great War witnessed one of the great historical conjunctures in the history of the Red Cross movement: a moment at which the Red Cross’ institutional and normative structures, its technical capacities and ambitions were transformed in ways that would profoundly affect its activities and outlook over the next hundred years. This 2-day conference brings together historians and practitioners working on the Red Cross Movement to debate the legacy, events, and ideas flowing from 1919 and to engage with contemporary issues and concerns of the broader Red Cross Movement.

The conference will be addressed by two leading scholars of humanitarianism:
Andrew Thompson, Director of the Centre for Global & Imperial History (University of Exeter), Chief Executive of the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Eleanor Davey, Lecturer in History of Humanitarianism at the University of Manchester’s Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute.

The organising committee particularly welcome papers on the following themes:
the tension of professionalism over voluntarism;
the proliferation of humanitarian activities and associated technologies;
rethinking IHL and the legal regime;
issues of gender, the role of media and the shift from war to peace/disaster management.

Abstracts (300 words) and a brief biography to Davide Rodogno or Neville Wylie by 16 July 2018.

Organising committee:
James Crossland (LJMU), Irene Herrmann (Geneva), Branden Little (Weber), Grant Mitchell (IFRCRCS) Melanie Oppenheimer (Flinders), Davide Rodogno (Graduate Institute, Geneva) Rosemary Wall (Hull), Neville Wylie (Nottingham)

Twitter: @RedXHistory2019

CfP: Armistice & Aftermath: A World War One Symposium

September 28-29, 2018, Michigan Technological University Houghton, Michigan

**We have extended the CFP deadline as we received Michigan Hiumanites Council funding. Therefore, we now have two keynote speakers (see below) and there no registration fee for the conference and we will provide meals for presenters during the conference.

Armistice Day 2018 marks the centenary end of World War I. This symposium explores the conditions and impacts of the “Great War,” as experienced during and afterwards, with a special focus on the perspective from the American Heartland. The war had tremendous human and economic repercussions. It also motivated technological, medical, and cultural advances, and it paved the way for transformative social change, from Prohibition to women’s suffrage.

Keynote speakers
Dr. John H. Morrow, Jr., Franklin Professor of History, University of Georgia. Author (with Jeffrey T. Sammons) of Harlem’s Rattlers and the Great War: The Undaunted 369th Regiment and the African American Quest for Equality (2014)

Dr. Lynn Dumenil, Robert Glass Cleland Professor Emerita of American History, Occidental College. Author of The Second Line of Defense: American Women and World War I (2017).

We invite papers that examine a wide range of topics such as, but not limited to:
Domestic and regional mobilization and demobilization
Social implications of technologies and industries of war
Reintegration and post-war shifts in gender, class, and labor relations
Cultural representations of war, home-front support, and life in the aftermath
Memories of the war in music, literature, film, drama, art, graphic arts
Civil rights, social stratifications, and diversity in the military and civilian life
The peace and anti-war movements

DEADLINE FOR 350-500 WORD ABSTRACT: APRIL 2, 2018. Please include a brief biography.
Submit to

Accepted papers may be published as Proceedings in the Michigan Tech Digital Commons. Selected revised papers may be included in a proposal for a published collection.

Approval for State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) is pending. More details will be available once the program is finalized.

A series of free and public exhibits and installations will also take place at Michigan Tech and the Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw during the symposium:

Europe, America, and the World: An Outdoor Concert. Featuring the music of James Reese Europe performed by MTU Superior Wind Symphony, MTU
An Evening of Silent Film. Featuring Charlie Chaplin’s Shoulder Arms (1918) with live musical accompaniment, Rozsa Theater
Interactive WWI Trench. With battle soundscape, readings from soldiers’ memoirs, and war poetry, MTU
American and French Propaganda Posters and the Great War. Exhibit, Rozsa Gallery, courtesy of Marquette Regional History Center
Shell-shocked: Footage and Sounds of the Front. Film with sound installation, Rozsa Gallery
Philosophy, Technology, & Warfare. A multimedia screens exhibit, Immersive Visualization Studio, MTU
Soldier Stories: The U.P. in World War I. Exhibit, Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw, courtesy of Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center
World War I & the Copper Country Home Front. Exhibit, Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw
Copper Country Voices of Dissent in the Great War. Exhibit, Finnish American Heritage Center, Finlandia University

continues WWI Remembered from the Beaumier UP Heritage Center, sponsored by the Michigan Humanities Council

WW1CC is made possible in part by a grant from the Michigan Humanities Council, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or the Michigan Humanities Council.

CfP: Languages and the First World War II 2018 Conference

Europe House London, 10 September
KU Leuven, Brussels Campus, 12 September

Following a successful first international conference on Languages and the First World War (University of Antwerp and the British Library, June 2014), two successful books of essays (Palgrave-MacMillan), and the following that has been built up (@LanguagesFWW and the blog,, run by Julian Walker), the organisers are pleased to announce the second Languages and the First World War conference for 10 and 12 September 2018.

The 2018 conference will be held at Europe House London (Westminster, 10 September) and at KU Leuven Belgium (Brussels Campus, Paternoster lecture theatre, 12 September).

Scope of the conference
The 2018 conference will broaden the scope of the subject of languages and the First World War. While 2018 as the final centennial year suggests a concentration on the end of the war, Languages and the First World War II also aims to extend the subject area into the aftermath of the war.

We would therefore welcome abstract submissions from academic researchers as well as from educational practitioners, museum and archive staff, heritage organisations and non-profit organisations and associations (including cultural, youth, local history).

Call for papers
Papers for 20-25 minute presentations are invited that:
Discuss the causes, progress and aftermath of specific aspects of the First World War from a language point of view.
Explore physical territories with geo-political wartime and aftermath shifts, often through ethnic affiliation.
Analyse the many language interpretations in place, including the role and position of (early community) interpreting, translation and culture mediation.

In detail
Causes, progress and aftermath of the war from a linguistic point of view include, but not exclusively, dialect, slang, swearing, officialese, the language of mourning, the language of international post-war negotiation, interpreting, multilingualism, propaganda, popular media, correspondence, graffiti, non-verbal communication systems, the language of regimental diaries, memoirs and phrasebooks, all will be considered.

We would particularly welcome contributions on specific languages relating to geo-political complexities. These include Balkan languages, Turkish, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Portuguese, Arabic, Indian languages, African languages, Chinese, and Japanese.

The First World War created many intercultural transfers and linguistic interpretations. These include the linguistic aspects of treaties such as the Versailles Conference; and the rhetoric of resettlement, avoidance, resentment, occupation, reconciliation, pilgrimages, battlefield guides, commemorations and memories. There are also languages and shifts in language use in relation to racial orientation and the deliberate absence of languages, the omission of the other.

Papers can easily be cross-disciplinary, but within a context of monolingualism or multilingualism. In that respect, cross-cultural mediation and translation/interpreting can be seen as a means for ideologies of acculturation or isolation.

Panels, posters
The organisers are equally interested in proposals for panels. PhD students are invited to submit posters for a poster session during the lunch break.

As with the first conference the organisers aim to publish at least one volume stemming from conference contributions. The first conference papers were published by Palgrave-MacMillan, who have expressed interest in publishing further texts.

Scientific committee
Marnix Beyen, University of Antwerp
Elke Brems, University of Leuven
Dominiek Dendooven, In Flanders Fields Museum
Peter Doyle, London Southbank University
Hilary Footitt, Uinversity of Reading
Jane Potter, Oxford Brookes University
Jonathon Robinson, British Library
Katya Rogatchevskaya, British Library
Odile Roynette, Université de Franch-Comté
Tamara Scheer, University of Vienna
Tom Toremans, University of Leuven
Luc Vandeweyer, Rijksarchief Brussels, State Archives of Belgium
Karla Vanraepenbusch, CEGESOMA, State Archives of Belgium
Antoon Vrints, University of Ghent

Organising committee
Marnix Beyen, University of Antwerp
Christophe Declercq, KU Leuven (Brussels Campus) and University College of London
Myrthel Van Etterbeeck, KU Leuven (Brussels Campus)
Julian Walker, University College London and British Library

Abstracts and proposals for panels or posters
Abstracts of 250 words, proposals for panels and posters to be sent to by 20 March, 2018.
Please make sure you refer to the preferred location for your paper (London OR Brussels), or that you are able to attend both legs.
Confirmation of acceptance: 30 March, 2018.

• The London leg, at Europe House, is free, but requires registration at
• The conference fee for the Brussels leg is 30 euro for the day. Registration is required at We take cash payments at the registration desk on the day itself. The conference fee covers tea, coffee and biscuits during the break, and a light lunch.
• Students of all levels (BA, MA and PhD) can attend for free but need to register at either Eventbrite page.

Additional information on the Brussels leg
The Brussels Campus of KU Leuven is located within walking distance of various key First World War sites that include CEGESOMA, the Belgian national archives, the War Heritage Institute and the Belvue museum.
Also, the day after the Brussels leg of Languages and the First World War II a one day symposium will be held on 13 September – at the same location – on Belgian refugees and the First World War.

For interest or further questions, please contact Languages and the First World War at
Download CfP: update Call for Papers – Languages and the FWW II – 10-12Sep2018

Julian Walker, Christophe Declercq