Epitaphs of the Great War: The Somme by Sarah Wearne (Uniform Press) was published on 1 July 2016. Sarah Wearne is the archivist at Abingdon School.
‘If you think Twitter’s 140-character rule restrictive, the families of those killed in the First World War had a mere 66 to compose an inscription, an epitaph, for their relation’s headstone. Throughout the centenary, @wwinscriptions will publish some of these thousands of inscriptions, revealing a voice that has not been heard before, the voice of the bereaved. A voice that speaks of love, sorrow, pride, grief and despair, it quotes the bible, literature, hymns and popular songs, and it tells us something about the dead, who they were, where they lived, what they looked like and how they died.’
For more see information, see www.epitaphsofthegreatwar.com or @WWinscriptions
An article in The Telegraph on the book is available here.