Second GLGW seminar: 5 February 2015

Our second GLGW seminar will be on Thursday 5 February 2015. The speaker will be Claire Morelon and her paper is entitled ‘Catholics in Austria-Hungary in the First World War’

All seminars will be held at TORCH, Radcliffe Humanities, room RH07, and will run from 1 – 2pm. Papers will be of 30-40 minutes, with a discussion afterwards.

We look forward to seeing you there!

‘Africa in the Great War: Comparative Perspectives’ workshop

‘Africa in the Great War: Comparative Perspectives’ workshop
27 February 2015 – St Cross College, Oxford
Sponsored by the CNRS-Oxford Collaboration Scheme, Oxford Centre for Global History and the University of Portsmouth

Please note, places are limited – please contact by 4th February if you would like to book a place.

Registration: 10.00 – 10.15

Opening remarks: 10.15 – 10.30

Contested Identities in Africa, 1914-1918: 10.30 – 11.30
Dr Julie d’Andurain (Sorbonne) –The Meaning of ‘Rebel’ in the French Military Literature (‘la figure du rebelle dans la littérature militaire’)
Dr Richard Fogarty (SUNY) – Whose Islam? Whose Muslims? French African Soldiers and Faith in the French Army

Tea/coffee: 11.30 – 12.00

Keynote: 12.00 – 13.00
Prof. Bill Nasson (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) – A War of South African Succession? A Deluded Dominion and its African Great War

Lunch: 13.00 – 14.00

Comparative Perspectives: 14.00 – 15.00
Dr Jan-Georg Deutsch (Oxford) – Coloniality on the Loose: The Experience of War in East Africa
Dr Jonathan Krause (Oxford/Portsmouth) – Rebellion and Reform in Indochina: the Influence of the Great War on Colonial Discord

Closing Summary and General Discussion: 15.00 – 16.00
Prof. David Killingray (Goldsmiths)

Convenors: Jan-Georg Deutsch, Jonathan Krause, Julie d’Andurain

Workshop poster: ‘Africa in the Great War’ 27 Feb poster

First GLGW graduate seminar: 22 January

Our first GLGW graduate seminar will take place at TORCH, Radcliffe Humanities, room RH07, and will run from 1 – 2pm. Papers will be of 30-40 minutes, with a discussion afterwards.

Thursday 22 January: Roderick Bailey – Captured German Zeppelin Crews in Britain


Dancing to Remember the Great War, University of Wolverhampton

The second year Dance degree module, Choreolab, gives students the chance to explore the intersection of live dance performance and film. This year the creative stimulus for their explorations was the artistic, intellectual, and thematic preoccupations of the Great War era. The challenge for the students was both finding a response to this historical period that speaks to the depth and complexity of this time and making a contemporary piece of art that is relevant for today’s audience.
Please join us for an evening of stimulating original performance work.

The Performance Hub, University of Wolverhampton, Walsall Campus
Magdalene Rd
WS1 Walsall
United Kingdom

3pm Thursday 22 January – Invited Dress Rehearsal
7:30pm Thursday 22 January – Performance
7:30pm Friday 23 January – Performance

Tickets available at:
For further information please contact: Karen Wood or Victoria Thoms
Further particulars: publicity choreolab 2015

Gender, Women and Culture Seminar, Hilary 2015

The Gender, Women and Culture seminar series will run every other Tuesday of Hilary Term 2015 from 12-1.

Week 2: Tuesday 27th January
Rees Davies Room, History Faculty

Arianne Chernock (Boston) – ‘From the Right to Rule to the Right to Reign: Politics of Queenship in Nineteenth-Century Britain’

Week 4: Tuesday 10th February
Rees Davies Room, History Faculty

Reading group on women and wartime led by Eve Worth and Charlotte Bennett. The following texts will be discussed:

Alison S. Fell, ‘Nursing the Other: the representation of colonial troops in French and British First World War nursing memoirs’, in Santanu Das (ed.), Race, empire and First World War writing (Cambridge, 2011), pp.158-174.
James Hinton,’Lilian Rogers: Birmingham flaneuse’, in Nine Wartime Lives: Mass Observation and the Making of the Modern Self (Oxford, 2010), pp.111-135.

Digital copies available from CGIS Co-ordinator Naomi Pullin:

Week 6: Tuesday 24th February
Lodgings Drawing Room, Exeter College

Susan Grayzel (Mississippi) – ‘Did women have a Great War?’

Week 8: Tuesday 10th March
Rees Davies Room, History Faculty

Matthew Stevens (Swansea) – ‘Married Women and the Law in Late Medieval Northern Europe’

British Library Doctoral Students’ Open Days

British Library Doctoral Open Days are a chance for new doctoral students to discover the British Library’s unique research materials.

See here for more information on the series of events.

Report on Workshop on the First World War and Global religions

Global Religions and the First World War: Catholicism and Islam (1 November 2014)
Chair: Adrian Gregory
Participants: Gearoid Barry, Nicolas Bianchi, Pavlina Bobic, Faisal Devji, Clothilde Houot, Justin Jones, Caitriona McCartney, Claire Morelon (rapporteur), Gajendra Singh, Michael Snape, Faridah Zaman, Jeanette Atkinson (administrator)

Adrian Gregory introduced this first workshop on global religions during the First World War by explaining how the coupling of Islam and Catholicism could help thinking transnationally about the conflict. Religion appears as a pre-eminently transnational phenomenon of the First World War. Islam and Catholicism were universal religions both in their geographic reach and their ambition to embrace the entire humanity.

The morning session on the social and cultural aspects of religions in wartime started with a discussion of the role of chaplaincies during the war. Chaplaincies did not have the same importance in different armies: they were more important in the British context than in the German army, for example. Overall, a more comparative picture of chaplaincies is needed because the different armies have been unevenly studied. The reliance on more informal forms of religious support (like the YMCA or the Salvation Army) was also underlined. The role of the war in the revival of religiosity remains difficult to assess. In the French case, there was a revival of religious sensibility during the war, but the actual impact on practice was not enormous.

The internationalism of Islam and Catholicism was then debated. There were limits to the feelings of belonging to a Catholic community in contact with other Catholic groups. Specific cults had a very national dimension (Sacred Heart, for example). In the case of Islam, a form of solidarity could exist with the Ottoman Empire in India (funds were raised for the Ottoman war effort) but it would be difficult to quantify these feelings. People at the time were also arguing that Shia and Sunni Muslims should put their differences aside. However, here also, the local dimension of religion played an essential role, for instance the cult of martyrdom in Punjab.

Religious practices constitute a new direction of research. It is essential to examine daily practices in a world where most religions were more closely practiced than nowadays. In the Muslim context, maintaining practices like body cleanliness was a major concern for soldiers. They wrote home to receive instructions on Ramadan. Dietary restrictions constitute a great point of divergence between the two religions. In the Indian Army, there was an emphasis on separate kitchens to cater for religious needs. In an attempt of Protestantisation, the religious leaders were used by the British to speak to the troops and perceived as loyal princely figures of authority. In the Catholic world, the role of intercessory saints became very prominent during the war.

The discussion of practices raised the question of the gender dimension of religion in wartime. The Catholic Church increasingly policed female behaviour. The loss of male authority often meant that the priest would replace it. Women in Islam were viewed as a repository of the community. In the Khilafat movement, women were encouraged to donate their jewellery. Bi Amman also promoted the movement unveiled and she pleaded to the audience as a mother, reinforcing this link between motherhood and the community. However, other researchers pointed out that the systematic gendering of religion was problematic. In the Catholic case, for instance, the increase of Marian devotion during the war was a constant between men and women.

The religious dimension of charitable and humanitarian activity was visible in established charitable organizations (Red Crescent, Indian Soldiers’ Fund) but it is less clear to what extent religious solidarity functioned in wartime. In the case of Belgian refugees in Britain, the Catholics worried that evangelicals would take care of the Catholic refugees. Ethno-national cleavages remained very strong in the Muslim example.

Religion represented a common trope to deal with trauma that soldiers resorted to. There was a familiarity with scriptures which provided a language to interpret the war experience. The inscription on war graves could constitute an interesting source in this respect. After the war, religion could also help in creating a different meaning of the sacrifices (in Ireland or in the successor states of Austria-Hungary). In India, memorials for martyrs were constructed in villages after the war.

During the afternoon session of the workshop, the political and intellectual dimensions of religion were discussed. The reaction of many religious leaders around the world was to present the war as a punishment for sin. In the papal encyclical of November 1914, Benedict XV voiced his concern. Later that month, the Ottoman Empire declared jihad against the Entente. It has long been believed that Constantinople acted under German pressure but new research shows that the belief that Pius X had declared war in Libya (1911-1912) as a holy war was widespread in the region at the time. The traditional chronology does not accurately reflect the Muslim understanding of the war. The First World War was seen as the most spectacular version of anti-Muslim conflicts in the region, placing it in a longer chronology (1911-1924).

Locating religious authority in wartime proves difficult. Even in the Catholic case, Benedict XV was elected right at the start of the war and only had a very short time to get settled in the position. In the Muslim world, the authority was highly fragmented and religious figures only had a local importance.

The issue of religious subversion shows the danger of reducing religion to politics. It is important to differentiate between the actual role of Islam or Catholicism in subversive movements and the fear of subversion. For example, the British always feared an international Islam conspiracy and there were supposed links between different perceived conspiracies at the time (German, Bolshevik, and Muslim).

At the end of the afternoon, several terms were proposed to characterize the new role of religion after the First World War. The concept of revivalism seems mostly useful in the American context. South Asians viewed the caliphate as a reestablishment not a revival. Finally, the term religious reinvention or resetting could describe the renewed engagement of Catholicism in French society.

In the concluding remarks, Adrian Gregory suggested the limits of the comparison between Islam and Catholicism and the risk of running two parallel discussions. Some points of direct connections between the two religions (several individuals, regions of the Russian or Habsburg Empire) could provide interesting topics for further research. The workshop closed with a discussion of the sources available to historians to explore all these new themes.