Conference and edited volume focused on the impact of WWI on marriage, divorce and gender relations
As we approach the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI, we would like to invite you to contribute to a project focusing on the impact of The Great War on the life-courses of “ordinary” citizens who lived through this war. The project we propose focuses on the impact of WWI on marriage, divorces and gender relations in Europe. As historians, sociologists and demographers, we seek to join both approaches into an endeavour that balances quantitative and qualitative perspectives.
Call for contributions: impact-wwi_call_for_contributions
We plan to hold a conference on October 5 and 6, 2017 in Leuven, Belgium, and, subsequently, to join those presentations that are of high quality and form a coherent unity into an edited volume, for publication with an international high profile publisher.
We look forward to hearing from you by December 21 2016 whether this project appeals to you, and whether you would like to submit an abstract for the conference and/or the edited volume.
Contact: Dr. Saskia C. Hin,
If so, we will be happy to receive your extended abstract (2-3 pages) by February 1 2017. On the basis of the selected abstracts, we plan to approach publishers with the general idea of and the skeleton for the edited volume.
We are happy to let you know as well that we are able to provide one night in a hotel, dinner (Thursday) and lunch (Friday) for all speakers at the conference. Unfortunately, we are not able to cover travel costs.
The conference would start on October 5 (Thursday) in the mid-afternoon and end on October 6 (Friday) before dinner time.